Emily Loves balloons so she was holding her balloons this morning while eating her pancakes...
Life and Stuff
Posted by Aften at 7:34 PM 2 comments
So this was my friend and neighbor, Norma's little girl, Kiana, who turned 3. Clowns, playing at the park, and pizza and cake...what more could a kid want.
Face painting
Posted by Aften at 2:03 PM 2 comments
Well, since my husband lives in Panama now,( he wanted me to correct this to say that he works in Panama, but if he stays there for weeks on end, I would say that he lives there), I get to be a single Mom, good thing I have so many wonderful friends and neighbors to help me...or I would be way more crazy than already am...Here are some pics from our fun Halloween night party at the Graziani home. Collette, my friend always has fun parties and invites us so we come and eat too much and leave her house a huge mess, and for some reason she keeps asking us to come back. But the kids had a lot of fun there and got too much candy that they all ate entirely the next day...NICE. We were all dressed in black for some reason, but Elise doesn't like princesses anymore she has informed me, so she was a witch, but wanted her face painted and Kade wanted to be scary...but they were pretty cute...even for scary Halloween stuff, and Emily was a kitty...too cute
Posted by Aften at 9:52 AM 3 comments
Well, Coartney worked her hair magic again and the result is that I am a little less blond, a little shorter (hair wise=) and I feel like a diva mama again. How cute is this hair cut?
Posted by Aften at 8:47 AM 4 comments
Well, it has been quite an extraordinary few weeks. When my Dad called to tell me that he was diagnosed with liver cancer, this pass May...he started the conversation by saying..."I have bad news." I don't think I really understood the impact that those 4 words would have had on him and on my family. I asked him " what does that mean?" and he had said, "its not good"...you don't ever want to think that it is not good, especially when it is concerning your parent or a family member, but although the disease is not good, the man was and is...Because of the tenderness of my Father in Heaven, working through the angels that are my friends, I was able to be with my father as he passed on through to the next part of his life. All my siblings and my sweet mother were at his side as he took his last breathe. We were able to laugh and cry together as we remembered our father. I saw changes in the hearts of my brothers that could have only happened because of this experience. I was able to learn more about the type of man that my father was in the acts he did for others. We were able to have the "redneck funeral" that he would have always wanted. But as we stood over the grave where we said goodbye to his body, the thoughts that we could and will see him again spoke peace to our hearts because we know the truth. That was one of the things that my dad always said to me..."Know the truth and the truth shall make you free." I may not have understood exactly what he meant by that until I watched some suffering more because of our loss, because they understood not the truth.
Another truth that I know is that I would not have been able to experience all these things without the love, prayers, support, and service given to me by all of my wonderful friends. The Savior said..." Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." I have truly felt that love from each of you, my friends. Thank you doesn't seem able to cover how I have felt because of each of you...but Thank You. My dad was a true example to me of the kind of friend that I would want to be. He was able to make and keep friends for a lifetime. He had friends from his childhood that came to visit him when he was sick, that were uplifted by Dad's strength, although they were there to strengthen him, and it is my prayer that I can be that kind of friend to each of you, because that is what you have been to me.
Here is the program from My Dad's service that I think is neat and you can laugh at the funny, big hair pictures if you like...
Posted by Aften at 6:38 PM 6 comments
Yesterday, we had a bit of a shock when a letter that was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Brent Johnson was delivered to my parents house, and thinking it was a typo, my Mom opened it and saw that it was actually a copy of a marriage certificate for Brent and Laura. They had eloped on August 19th and are now happily married. Laura, I knew when she was a child, because I had dated her older brother when I was a teenager, well when I was back in PA, I met up with Laura, Brent had met her and they ended up really liking each other, so much so that they just went and got married and now he can take care of her when he has to leave for Iraq in October. I am quite happy for them, although it was a bit of a shock, I love them both.
Posted by Aften at 8:21 PM 1 comments
So, I sold our one and only TV this week, and it has been kind of an adjustment, but actually really good. The kids have only said they were bored once, and they seemed to be doing just fine to life without a TV. It is quite amazing actually, when that option is taken away, what kids will do, and even myself, I find more constructive things to do, rather than just vegging...anyway this morning the kids found a new way to entertain themselves with a mattress slide down the stairs, so I had to get a picture of it and maybe some Mom's wouldn't let their kids slide down the stairs on their mattress but I figured they weren't fighting and they are learning to work together and using their imagination...
Posted by Aften at 8:56 AM 4 comments
I have been spending my days lately with my daughter Emily( 2 and almost a half) and my nephew, Dylan, who is 1 and a half...well these ages seem to clash, because they argue and whine and fight and beat each other up all day long...the toys are all MINE, and they are not giving them up without a fight, and I find myself extremely irritable. Does anyone have any great suggestions for me, that does require a big rock...=)joking.
Posted by Aften at 10:54 AM 6 comments
So I have to say a few things about my sister-in-law Jaimee, who I absolutely adore. She is my brother Jared's wife. They have 2 beautiful kids. When I was back to visit in PA, I was able to spend more time with them. Anyway, Jaimee is completely beautiful, not only outside, but inside as well. She is 1 of 3 children and the only girl stuck right in the middle. Through hard times as a child and choices she made as a teenager and an adult, she has learned so much and is a constant example to me. She says things that she has learned and I am in awe at what she knows, just through her experience and her willingness to become a better person. Let me just tell you some things about her, This is one thing she wrote in an email to me the other day..."I think we should worry more about raising confident, educated, happy children, then wearing the latest fashions." (And she doesn't look dowdy or out of style, she looks fabulous) She is the best Mom I have seen, because of the quality time she puts into her children's lives each day, from the mundane to the fabulous (at least the fabulous from a kids perspective, like the zoo or the kid museum or reading a book together, or playing with playdoh.) She creates a loving, supportive, clean, happy environment that produces happy, well-adjusted children...and a happy husband, because of things she has taught him and helps him to become...just from her willingness to make changes in herself, because she wants a better life for her family.
She is ever concerned about her families health and buys all the natural foods and makes sure her family is as healthy as they can be. She also used to drink coffee and just decided one day that she didn't want to be addicted to anything anymore, so she stopped. Yeah, she said it was hard, but she just made it happen because she felt better about herself and her health. Now for those of us who have the same faith as me know that we have a guideline that we live by called the "Word of Wisdom". In that guideline it states that the use of wine, strong drinks, tobacco, and hot drinks are not good for our bodies; That the herbs, fruits, and grain, and meat sparingly are for the use of man...if we follow these guidelines it states...
"...all who remember to keep and do these sayings... shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint..."
So anyway, I don't think she realizes what blessing will come to her, because of her willingness to become better. I know I take the knowledge I have been given for granted. There is so much more I can say about her, but I have to run take care of kiddos. She is truly an inspiration to me and I love her...
Posted by Aften at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Hello, to all my readers, friends, family and stalkers...I seriously love to laugh so post a comment about you and I, funny sad, good, bad, or ugly for all to read...
1. Leave a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.
If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you...HAPPY REMEMBERING!
Posted by Aften at 9:29 AM 4 comments
The kids had their 1st day of school today and all went well, except for a little emotional girl drama after getting home, but all in all, things went well at their new school...
Here is the cutest 1st grader ever...
Here is the cutest 2nd grader ever...
Posted by Aften at 6:29 PM 2 comments
The kids and I had so much fun with my family and friends while we were back with my childhood home in Pennsylvania. We were able to spend time with my Dad and my Mom and all my brothers...and Jill was able to come out as well. We went to the beach (Lake Erie Peninsula), got to hang with my sister-in-law, Jaimee and the kids. We were able to celebrate Elise's birthday, and she got a build-a-bear...which was actually a build-a-kitty. The kids were able to run around the big back yard at my parents, they played in the creek, rode the tractor, roasted marshmallows over the fire, they swam in the pond, they played with my friends kids, went to the kids museum, went to the park, went to the Cherry Festival( AKA: poor white trash bash), we got together with old friends, friends with boats...SO all in all it was quite an adventure and the kiddos didn't want to come home ( they did however want their Daddy to come and stay at G-ma's and G-pa's), but we did come home and they were really excited to see their home and their dog and cat.
So here we are all glad to be back and get back into the swing of things...
Here are some of the pictures I got from the trip...
This is my brother Jared and his beautiful family.
Elise's birthday party...
My youngest brother Brent, who serves us and our country in the Army and who will soon be going to Iraq in November...
Popsicles with Grandpa...
This is my good friend Laura, who I hadn't seen in maybe 18 years. I had dated her brother when I was a senior in High School, and after we broke up I had continued to visit his family because I wasn't ready to give them up as well. So , after I moved away, I got busy with life, and time passed, I got married and now after so many yearrs I had always wondered how the Lafaro family was doing, so I stopped by and was able to visit with them, and get reaquainted with my Laura...who was 7 years old when I met her, and now she is a beautiful woman, with a beautiful baby girl, and she is not 7 anymore. I love her.
This is one of my absolute favorite pictures that I got right as we were saying good-bye to my Mom and Dad...it was so hard because I don't know if we will ever see my Dad again in this life, But I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend time with him, with my children and for the fun memories we made.
This is right before we left to goto the airport.
Posted by Aften at 4:56 PM 2 comments
Happy Independence Day from Wattsburg, Pennsylvania... Where the land of the free and the home of the brave is green and beautiful...my parents backyard...which I have been running up and down for exercise...
The kids and I have been having fun riding the lawn mower/tractor with my brother Jared.
This is Callie, my star-studded cutie-pie neice...
The cute girls, a little overexposed=)
I have had a great time with my family so far. It has been really great seeing my parents and my Aunt Nancy...and my Brother Jared and his family that lives here. It is, however, very difficult to see my Dad not as strong as he has normally been and it is frustrating dealing with the bureaucracy of doctors and insurance issues...we still know not what treatment he needs to receive and obviously when he will receive it.
Also, my parents live way out in the country and I can't figure out how to send my emails to people, and the satellite internet connection is slower, although I can get the emails and connect to the internet...which is cool.
Posted by Aften at 3:06 PM 5 comments
Well...since my husband's family hadn't had a family picture taken since Nick and Coartney got married ...Mindi...our little instigator, called to ask if I could get a few shots for her of the whole family that has gotten so big...so on a Saturday evening...when the day was at its warmest...actually down right HOT...( we do live in AZ) I set up my little tri-pod and camera on automatic and ran back and forth between shots...luckily I know some tricks on the back editing , to make it possible for at least all the adults to have eyes open and lookin ' good...too many kids and not enough shots for all them to be looking at the little red blinking light... but look how cute everyone is...that is so fun. Thanks Mindi for getting everyone there and for dinner after.=)
Posted by Aften at 6:22 PM 2 comments
This picture of my Dad and Emily was taken February of 2007...this was the last time I have been back to my parents house in PA...
This is a note from my Mom to her family explaining what is going on...
"Hi, all. Well, we have an update on Bert's condition....results of the biopsy and blood test reports: he has liver cancer. Apparently it is a kind that-of people who get this... 75% are people who have a history of alcohol or hepetitis. The other 25%, which Bert is in, the etiology (where it comes from) is pretty much unknown. He will be going to a hospital in Pittsburgh where they have people who specialize in the treatment of this type of condition. His digestive disease doctor said that the Hospital in Pitt. would be superior to the Regional Cancer Center in Erie. Now we just wait for an appointment and go from there. Bert is in good spirits and has a good attitude at this time. My love to all. I will keep you informed. Carol"
To find out that your Daddy has liver cancer...is a shock...but I know that the Lord has a plan for each of us and this is one of many things that my Dad has taught me, so I know why he is "in good spirits" as my Mom said, because he is willing to do the will of our Father in Heaven. I know that our family...my brothers and sisters, and my parents, will be sustained with a God-given ability to cope with all that comes our way as we strive to live according to the Will of The Father. I know that Families can live together for Eternity, my Daddy and my Father has taught me this.
Posted by Aften at 5:36 PM 5 comments
I finally saw the post, I have been photoing...is that a word, anyway here are my ...
A- Attached or single? Attached to Mr. Wright
B- Best friend? Yep...I have many best friends, thankfully, where would I be without them?
C- Cake or pie? to choose, probably pie...
D- Day of choice? all day everyday
E- Essential item? deodorant
F- Favorite color? many colors...depends on where it goes
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? neither
H- Hometown? Wattsburg, Pennsylvania
I- Favorite indulgence? Chocolate Chip Cookie dough
J- January or July? July happy birthday to me and Elise
K- Kids? KadElisEmily
L- Life isn't complete without? trial and tribulation, joy and pain
M- Marriage date? January 8, 1999
N- Number of brothers and sisters?1 sis,3 bros...me oldest
O- Oranges or apples? Apples
P- Phobia and fears? Phobia of blanket over my head...fear of not becoming the woman I can become
Q- Quote- Nothing tastes as good as thin feels
R- Reason to smile? I am happy
S- Season of choice? summer...that is why I live in AZ
T- Tag 10 people. all of you who want something to blog about
U- Unknown fact about me? I slid down the Provo rec Center slide without a swimsuit at a staff party...you can go so fast
V- Vegetable?asparagus
W- Worst habit? diet Coke
X-xylophone:) because what else goes with X? not recently
Y- Your favorite food? I am a food-aholic
Z- Zodiac sign? cancer
Posted by Aften at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Some of you may know who does my hair, and some of you may go to her as well, but I have to say that she is the best hair girl ever...I know she is my sister-in-law, and my friend, and I really like her in spite of the whole hair thing...but she is FANOMINAL...she is the best colorist, the best stylist, the best conversationalist,(which has to be a must with some one who does your hair), and she is funny and beautiful and I just can't say enough good things about her, so I thought I would show you how great of a job she does...because a picture says a thousand words...( I did take this myself, but I am not in focus which is fine because I was focusing on my hair and they turned out good, just take a look at that color and cut...)
Thank You so much Coartney...love you!
Posted by Aften at 2:59 PM 8 comments
Elise has graduated from Kindergarten and will be in the 1st grade next year. They do a little program for the parents on the last day so we can see how cute they all are. As you can see Elise with her classmates singin' a song for all of us...she looks so intent.
This is Elise's wonderful teacher, Mrs. Dean. She was so great and Elise is reading really well now . Elise's really good friend Sidney is also in the picture.
This is Elise's cousin, Emma. She also graduated Kindergarten...Emma is Nathan's brother Jared's little girl. Aren't they cute?
Elise and I after the program. Nathan and Emmy and Grandma Wright were also there, along with Emma's family. (We look a little alike, don't you think?)
Posted by Aften at 12:57 PM 2 comments
So while I was making 8 dinners, my friend, Collette's two girls came over, and they had found ways to entertain themselves and stay out of my way, seeing as how I was intensely engrossed in making pasta dishes for my freezer group (www.justfreezeit.blogspot.com). So when Collette called to say she wanted the girls to go home, I found a minute to check on them, I went outside to find them all diggin' in the dirt...(oh and Nathan was out there keeping track of all of them.) So, next time you want your kids to do some manual labor, just send them over and I will put them to work...Emmy and Anthony Diggin'...Anthony is my friend, Collette's little boy...
Look at how great Emmy is working...she is a real good digger, comes from good, strong stock. We Johnson women were always having to dig our cars out of the driveway, but we were digging snow...not dirt.
Posted by Aften at 1:07 PM 2 comments
Posted by Aften at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Posted by Aften at 1:24 PM 1 comments
"Consider these words written by Abraham Lincoln as part of a
resolution in 1863:
"'We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in number, wealth, and power as no other Nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God who made us.
"'It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended power, to confess our sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.'"
As I have read these words, I have felt the overpowering need to fall down to my knees in humble gratitude because of the endless mercies my Father in Heaven has so willingly and abundantly granted to me...
It overwelms me to think that I have 3 incredible children who are spirit children of our Father in Heaven, to care for and teach, and HE has given me the opportunity to care for them in this mortal realm, in spite of all the mistakes I make daily...
I have been truly blessed to have an eternal companion that overlooks my flaws and continues to love me and support me...
I have been blessed with "goodly parents" who have loved me and instructed me in righteousness...
I have been blessed with family and friends that continually help me to grow and become all that I can become, and lead me, by example, to overcome my many weaknesses...whether these weaknesses be physically, emotionally, or spiritually...
I could go on and on, but it is my prayer that if you have felt the Power of Heaven's glorious Hand in your life to help preserve your peace, give you strength beyond understanding, and enriched your daily life, then on bended knee, thank your Father in Heaven for ALL that He has given you.
Posted by Aften at 5:58 PM 5 comments
So I love these pictures because it is the simple things that make a girl happy...
1. Make sure you put your whole heart and soul into whatever it is you are doing
2. Always have 2 Chocolate cupcakes, one for each hand
3. Wash the cupcakes down with a bag of cookies...
( I wonder why I have issues with my weight?=)
Posted by Aften at 6:56 PM 0 comments