Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little Kids

I have been spending my days lately with my daughter Emily( 2 and almost a half) and my nephew, Dylan, who is 1 and a half...well these ages seem to clash, because they argue and whine and fight and beat each other up all day long...the toys are all MINE, and they are not giving them up without a fight, and I find myself extremely irritable. Does anyone have any great suggestions for me, that does require a big rock...=)joking.


Sarah W. said...

Lock them up in a room and just let them "go at it!" Emily isn't used to sharing her domain with another little midget. I think it's good for both of them, but you might need to take a vicodin for the migraine.

Castle Family said...

Oooh, I feel for ya! I used to watch my neice when Meegan was little (maybe just under 2) and my neice is 8 months younger...anyways, it was always a war in our house. Nothing worked. Nothing. You can't reason with them at that age >:( My dad used to crush our toys with a slegdehammer when we fought over them...maybe that would work. Plus it would be therapeutic for you :)

Nicole Wynn said...

Once the fighting begins, I just grab the toy and tell them to cool it or I will just throw it away. I tell my kids, eventually they won't have anything to fight over because they will all be in the trash. So far this has worked, but I'm not quite sure how long this will last. A bonus is that there are less toys to pick up later:)!

Melisa said...

I am all for the rock idea:)

Marianne said...

Since you said you need advice that didn't use a rock, I had to think long and hard for something else... :) Seriously though, sometimes the only way to teach them to play nice is to show them. I know it is hard, but actually getting down and playing with them and showing them how to share is the only way they can understand it. They can't reason too well at this age and ultimatums sometimes make us more miserable than them. Also, if you are really involved in their playing, you can break up the brawls before they get too messy :). And, after a few experiences with you, they will probably get better! I hope! I feel your pain! Luv ya!

Aften said...

Thanks for all the thoughts and advice...hopefully this week will go good, and actually there was a ray of hope when I saw the 2 of them holding hands on Friday...yippee.