Saturday, August 2, 2008

I want your Memories of You and ME

Hello, to all my readers, friends, family and stalkers...I seriously love to laugh so post a comment about you and I, funny sad, good, bad, or ugly for all to read...
1. Leave a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.
If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you...HAPPY REMEMBERING!


Kris &Tiersa LeSueur said...

I can't pick a specific memory about you, cause I have so many. But I will ALWAYS remember what a good friend you are to my sister, and to me. You can always bring us up when we are down, or laugh when we are sad. Whatever it is, your always there. Thanks for being such a good friend to both of us. (sappy I know!!)

Melisa said...

When you took our family pic's and my chesters where showing, I apologized they kept falling out and you told me...If you got it flaunt it! I knew then I liked you:)

Castle Family said...

I adored you from the beginning when you did our first family photos!

So this doesn't have to do with a memory, but it looks like a bunch of my friends will be in your ward now. Aren't you lucky?? You'll see :)

Leesh said...

Where do I even begin? I have so many funny memories with you. One memory is when you came over to my apartment shortly after I married and had dinner with Justin and I. After dinner you went to the corner of our apt. where our fake ficus tree was and said, without any shame, "I have to fart" and you just let it loose baby! I cracked up so hard because I was shocked you did it in front of Justin. I would not be shocked now, but I was then. I also remember the Walmart incident when Justin and you and I were walking into Walmart and you both exchanged a certain word and what it meant and you would not tell me what it meant so when I walked into Walmart I asked very loudly, "what is #@#$%:" and you both looked at me with horror, trying to shut me up because the word was very embarassing. That is what you get for trying to keep something from me. Okay - lots of memories of you walking into walls and tripping on carpet while your brother looked upon me with disgust. But my FAVORITE memory of all time is driving to CA in your blue Ford Fiesta with our feet hanging out the window and us telling each other our life stories. Friends for Eternity, that we are! I love you more than you will ever know. Hope you don't mind any of the stories I shared, I could have told even more embarassing ones, but I have some restraint!