Yesterday, we had a bit of a shock when a letter that was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Brent Johnson was delivered to my parents house, and thinking it was a typo, my Mom opened it and saw that it was actually a copy of a marriage certificate for Brent and Laura. They had eloped on August 19th and are now happily married. Laura, I knew when she was a child, because I had dated her older brother when I was a teenager, well when I was back in PA, I met up with Laura, Brent had met her and they ended up really liking each other, so much so that they just went and got married and now he can take care of her when he has to leave for Iraq in October. I am quite happy for them, although it was a bit of a shock, I love them both.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
My Brother, Brent and his wife, Laura
Posted by Aften at 8:21 PM 1 comments
What to do when there is no TV?
So, I sold our one and only TV this week, and it has been kind of an adjustment, but actually really good. The kids have only said they were bored once, and they seemed to be doing just fine to life without a TV. It is quite amazing actually, when that option is taken away, what kids will do, and even myself, I find more constructive things to do, rather than just vegging...anyway this morning the kids found a new way to entertain themselves with a mattress slide down the stairs, so I had to get a picture of it and maybe some Mom's wouldn't let their kids slide down the stairs on their mattress but I figured they weren't fighting and they are learning to work together and using their imagination...
Posted by Aften at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Little Kids
I have been spending my days lately with my daughter Emily( 2 and almost a half) and my nephew, Dylan, who is 1 and a half...well these ages seem to clash, because they argue and whine and fight and beat each other up all day long...the toys are all MINE, and they are not giving them up without a fight, and I find myself extremely irritable. Does anyone have any great suggestions for me, that does require a big rock...=)joking.
Posted by Aften at 10:54 AM 6 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Finding Wisdom
So I have to say a few things about my sister-in-law Jaimee, who I absolutely adore. She is my brother Jared's wife. They have 2 beautiful kids. When I was back to visit in PA, I was able to spend more time with them. Anyway, Jaimee is completely beautiful, not only outside, but inside as well. She is 1 of 3 children and the only girl stuck right in the middle. Through hard times as a child and choices she made as a teenager and an adult, she has learned so much and is a constant example to me. She says things that she has learned and I am in awe at what she knows, just through her experience and her willingness to become a better person. Let me just tell you some things about her, This is one thing she wrote in an email to me the other day..."I think we should worry more about raising confident, educated, happy children, then wearing the latest fashions." (And she doesn't look dowdy or out of style, she looks fabulous) She is the best Mom I have seen, because of the quality time she puts into her children's lives each day, from the mundane to the fabulous (at least the fabulous from a kids perspective, like the zoo or the kid museum or reading a book together, or playing with playdoh.) She creates a loving, supportive, clean, happy environment that produces happy, well-adjusted children...and a happy husband, because of things she has taught him and helps him to become...just from her willingness to make changes in herself, because she wants a better life for her family.
She is ever concerned about her families health and buys all the natural foods and makes sure her family is as healthy as they can be. She also used to drink coffee and just decided one day that she didn't want to be addicted to anything anymore, so she stopped. Yeah, she said it was hard, but she just made it happen because she felt better about herself and her health. Now for those of us who have the same faith as me know that we have a guideline that we live by called the "Word of Wisdom". In that guideline it states that the use of wine, strong drinks, tobacco, and hot drinks are not good for our bodies; That the herbs, fruits, and grain, and meat sparingly are for the use of man...if we follow these guidelines it states...
"...all who remember to keep and do these sayings... shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint..."
So anyway, I don't think she realizes what blessing will come to her, because of her willingness to become better. I know I take the knowledge I have been given for granted. There is so much more I can say about her, but I have to run take care of kiddos. She is truly an inspiration to me and I love her...
Posted by Aften at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I want your Memories of You and ME
Hello, to all my readers, friends, family and stalkers...I seriously love to laugh so post a comment about you and I, funny sad, good, bad, or ugly for all to read...
1. Leave a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.
If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you...HAPPY REMEMBERING!
Posted by Aften at 9:29 AM 4 comments