Friday, April 11, 2008

Doing good this week...

Well since I have posted the fat picture, I have been embarrassed enough to stop eating so much and I have worked out everyday this week so far. Monday I didn't goto the gym, but I did do some deep down scrubing in the bathrooms for hours on end, so since Monday I have lost 6lbs. Yippee...although in my battle of the bulge I have lost those 6 pounds about 12 times, because I get derailed and fall off the wagon into a vat of chocolate. I am having one of those days when all the emotions of life make me want to eat everything in sight, but because I am way too embarrassed to stay like that fat picture, I am NOT going to eat everything, and then I can get past the hump and lose more bumps...


Nicole Wynn said...

Congrats to you! Keep up that mentality and you will do great! I wish I worked out everyday this week! You are definitely giving me motivation to get moving again.:)

Aften said...

Thanks, I have to do this so I can fit into my skinny jeans again...

Coartney Wright said...

whaaat 6 lbs that is awesome!

Melisa said...

Hang in there! Grab some water and drink till it hurts:)

Sarah W. said...

I can't believe that you can loose that much weight that fast!!! I have to say congratulations and NO FAIR!!!! It takes me a good 3 weeks to loose that kind of weight. Keep up the good work