Saturday, March 15, 2008

Erika's Birthday Party

This is Erika. Today we went to her 6th birthday party at a park by her house.
The kids had so much fun at the playground and seeing there cousins.
Emily had so much fun swinging...
They had fun getting all the candy. Jaimee and Vincent. How stinkin' cute is this?

Amy's little girl, Sydney came with us, which was fun because Elise and her love to play together...Anyway, thanks for the fun party, we love seeing everybody. One of the best things that happened at this party was that Grandma Toombs was able to come and join in the fun. The significance of this is that there were 4 generations at this little get together.
Look at the beautiful Women that are Descendants of Grandma Toombs...


Coartney Wright said...

thanks for catching me up on the party! it was great to see you for that small moment in time!! i guess we would have gotten there earlier if nick would have gone the way I told him to go!! but HEY what do I know!! he he!

Melisa said...

Hi beautiful! I didn't know you had a blog for your cute little family! I will add you once I figure out how to do the darn thing!!!!!!!!

Nicole Wynn said...

Once again your pictures are awesome! I love the group pic with all the girls. I'm going to add you to my friends, hope that's okay? Sure it is!:)